Sunday, March 13, 2016

UAE hit by the Storm 9 March 2016

It was last Wednesday (9 March 2016), UAE was hit by the storm. I was conducting the interview at that time. I saw my colleagues looking so anxious. Then my boss entered my room. CJ, you better see this. I’m puzzled why he looks so worried. Then when I looked at the window, it was total darkness. I can barely see the buildings outside. The wind is hovering like crazy, you can feel the wind shaking our building. It was a combination of strong wind and heavy rain. The people started praying. Some of them even throw a joke, “let’s all repent for today might be the second coming”. It is 10 in the morning, but it looks like 7 in the evening. T’was total darkness on a mid-day. It lasted for nearly an hour. The wind is gone, rain’s gone, but the damage is very evident.

 Later in the afternoon my sister sent me a photo. I can't believe it myself!!! She said that not only strong wind and heavy rain, they also experience this:

Until now some of the areas in Dubai are still flooded. This according to my friends who have been here for more than a decade, said that this was never happened before. Climate change is real. Wake up people! We are here in one of the hottest part of the world and yet, we experience this.

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